Best approach for matching an unknown indiv. in user A's dataset to an ID'd indiv. in user B's dataset

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

Hi there,

We’ve had a user (A) find a match for her un-ID’d leopard to an ID’d leopard in another user (B)'s dataset. Unlike other cases where this has happened, user A does not want to keep this encounter under her own ID, but wants to confirm it as a match to user B’s ID’d leopard.

The question I have is how can we do this without requiring a full bi-directional collaboration between the 2 users?

I know that as an Admin, I could confirm this match in the system but it’s not a great long-term solution.

Also, if I do that, can user A access the Marked Individual record that her encounter has been assigned to?

I know that our requirement for siloed security is the root cause of this conundrum and we can’t change that. So I’m wondering if there are other methods to accomplish this that don’t involve both users sharing all their data with each other.


cc: @PaulK

Hi @ACWadmin1

The question I have is how can we do this without requiring a full bi-directional collaboration between the 2 users?

There are a few conditions under which this should stop being an issue. If user A already has another Encounter under user B’s Marked Individual, they should have permission to see its full profile and add another Encounter without an issue.

If user A makes a marked individual and then tries to merge it with user B’s, eventually the merge will timeout and they will be merged.

Neither are great options. The collaboration is really what we intend the software to support.

Also, if I do that, can user A access the Marked Individual record that her encounter has been assigned to?

Yes, once user A has an owned Encounter on a Marked Individual, they are able to see it.

Unfortunately, we don’t have any partial data sharing solutions.


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