Blocking in detection for several bulk import

Thank you for your help last time.
I contact you to know if it’s possible to force the detection for these bulk import because the end of my internship is approaching so it would help me so much to force it! It concerns these bulk imports : TtExpe202323, TtExpe20233, TtExpe202341, TtExpe202342, TtExpe202343, TtExpe202362, TtExpe202373, TtExpe202374, TtExpe202375.
Thank you so much for your help!

Hi @rebeca

I believe I mentioned this before, but in case I haven’t, it’s faster for me to look up your bulk imports if you link to them instead of sharing the spreadsheet names (especially when there are a lot of them to look up). I’ve been editing your posts to update them with direct links for when I have to go back and verify they’ve completed detection.

I’ll let you know when these have been resent.

TtExpe202323: If you scroll down to the bottom of this import table, you’ll see that 10 of the images are flagged as invalid for analysis. They appear to be .NEF files, which Wildbook doesn’t support. You’ll want to use photo editing software to convert these to .jpg or .jpeg files, update your spreadsheet, delete this import, then re-import your updated spreadsheet and images.

TtExpe20233: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202341: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202342: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202343: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202362: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202373: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202374: Re-sent to detection

TtExpe202375: Re-sent to detection

Thank you so much! I am so sorry, I completely forgot to send you the link of bulk import directly.
And thank for notice NEF files! I gonna put it again to jpg.

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TtExpe202341 and TtExpe202373 are still stuck and I’m still working on those. The rest have completed detection.

Thanks for waiting. TtExpe202373 is ready for identification and it looks like you’ve already sent TtExpe202341 to ID.