Bulk import got stuck half-way through import

What Wildbook are you working in?
Seals Wildbook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I am bulk importing a large spreadsheet (153 rows) into Seals Wildbook. I have done this with similar sized spreadsheets and had success, but this time after 80 of the encounters were imported everything stopped. For several hours it has been stuck at “Importing 80” and has not moved. I have repeatedly reloaded Wildbook, which normally helps when I experience an issue. This time it is not doing anything.

Oh, interesting! I’ve never seen one get stuck at the importing status. I pushed it through detection and it looks like it finally changed status to completed. This import is ready for you to send it to ID.

I checked your spreadsheet and it looks good! Thanks for sending it

Thanks for looking into this!

I can see that detection is complete but there is still only 80 of the 153 encounters imported. Would it be best to delete this bulk import and try again? If so, is there a way to get the “Delete Importtask” option to work more effectively. I have had mixed results with it. Sometimes it works great but then other times I have to select this option dozens of times as encounters are slowly deleted a couple at a time.

Ah, yes, if something interrupted the import and encounters are missing, delete this one and try importing it again.

Thanks for letting me know! I’ll have to wait until my teammates are back online to dig into why that’s happening. It should delete the import instantly.

Okay, will do!

Oh interesting, I have yet to have a bulk import delete instantly. The whole process usually takes an hour or longer and involves clicking the “Delete Importtask” option multiple times.

Have you observed this in Flukebook, too, or just in Seal Wildbook so far?

Just in Seal Wildbook as we have not been using Flukebook.

Thanks for confirming. I’ll need more time to dig into this.

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@CindyE I’ve learned that this can happen with multi-species bulk imports. If there were multiple species in your spreadsheet, this can make bulk import take a longer than expected to delete. My understanding is that it’s still working in the background even if the table isn’t re-loading immediately.

Well we are not doing multiple species uploads in a spreadsheet, so I am not sure that is the cause. My guess is that the bulk import deletion takes so long for me because I am often uploading a lot of encounters at once and sometimes the images are larger than the recommended size.

Here is an example of my issues with deleting bulk imports:

I clicked “delete importtask” for the first time and after 1.5 hours 10 encounters had been deleted. At that point I reloaded the webpage which halted the deletion process.

Then I clicked delete again and let it go for another 1.5 hours. At that point another 2 encounters had been deleted.

I then clicked delete again let it go for 4 hours, which resulted in another 7 deletions.

I am going to continue doing this until it is all deleted. Its sounds like this process is supposed to be much faster than it is for me. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, I would greatly appreciate them.

Here is the bulk encounter I am working on deleting: https://seals.wildme.org/import.jsp?taskId=6bde865d-3cee-4b46-a31f-91ee6a72389f

Thank you for the additional info. I’ll look into this and follow up if I have more questions.

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