Bulk Import of Matched Individuals

What Wildbook should this feature be in?
Sharkbook (but may be useful elsewhere too)

What would you like to see?
Could it be (or is it already?) possible to (bulk) import a catalog of images along associated matching information. This catalog would then be visible in Wild Me and future uploads could be matched against all the individuals previously imported

How would this functionality help you?
This is intended as a way to complete a one time transfer of data from an externally curated dataset where encounters have already been matched to individuals.

Hi @fkurmann

If you include the MarkedIndividual.individualID field in your bulk import spreadsheet, this assigns the individual ID to the encounter. This way when you’re importing catalogs of known individuals, you don’t have to go through the match process since they’ve already been identified.

The full list of available fields is in our bulk import help doc.

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Hi Fabrice,

If I’m understanding your request correctly, I think you’re referring to having the ability to upload images that have already been given an ID; if I’m getting that right, then yes, that is possible. You can include extra column(s) in your bulk import spreadsheet with one or either, or both, of the following headers as the field in which the existing ID can be entered:
MarkedIndividual.individualID and/or Encounter.alternateID.

For our users, often they want to recheck their manually ID’d images using the Wildbook algorithms. In which case, we recommend putting the existing ID in the Encounter.alternateID field rather than the MarkedIndividual.individualID field. This allows for a more streamlined validation of the pre-existing IDs, allowing you to clean up any errors in the pre-existing ID kits easier and faster.

Feel free to message me separately if you have additional questions about these approaches.

kind regards

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