Bulk import photo upload- missing and then extra photos in upload


Windows 11

Microsoft Edge


Bulk import of photos originally did not upload all the photos. I tried to upload 50 and it first uploaded 37. I later tried with different photos. It uploaded them all but also the old photos that I don’t want. I have since tried to upload a completely different folder and the older legacy photos are still included in the review page of the photo upload. I have not confirmed any of the bulk photo uploads yet.


Thank you!

Hi @gveneruso

This isn’t a bug. What you’re seeing is a temporary storage space for previously imported photos. You can see a more in-depth explanation here: "Delete ImportTask" doesn't delete associated media assets - #2 by Anastasia

You can continue to your spreadsheet upload after seeing this screen. It won’t re-send your previous set of photos if they aren’t included in your current spreadsheet.

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