Bulk import stuck after upload

What Wildbook are you working in?
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
Seems like the bulk import is stuck
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
I uploaded the data and sent to detection but stuck since yesterday
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @Yaly

This import is made of large image files (6-7mb per image), which takes a long time for WBIA to process and is causing it to time out.

Our photography guidelines recommend a maximum file size of 3mb per image.

We’ll need more time to work on this. If you don’t want to wait, you can resize your image files in photo editing software, delete this import, and upload it again with the new images.

Thanks @Anastasia
I will delete and import again

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