Bulk import stuck in detection within Seals Wildbook

What Wildbook are you working in?
Seals Wildbook

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
The bulk import process appears to be stuck in detection. It is a relatively small bulk import and in my experience should have gotten through detection by now, it has been an hour. The only message I see is "detection requests sent (0/22 complete).

I’ve resent this to detection and will follow up again if that doesn’t get it moving.

Thanks for resending it. Unfortunately, it appears to still be frozen at 0/22 requests sent. Not sure what is going on, in the past resending it has done the trick.

Possibly of note, I have been having issues when uploading encounters through the “Report an Encounter” pathway. I have uploaded a couple this way but they never get through detection. It just says “Still waiting for detection.” Normally these single encounters go through detection in seconds, but now it seems like they are permanently stuck.

Here is an example: Seals Wildbook

Thanks for the heads up. Those definitely sound related. I need to work with my teammates more on this today. Thanks for hanging in there!

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Hi Anastasia,

Just checking in about this ongoing issue with Wildbook detection. Are there any updates? I just tried uploading a new single encounter and the detection appears to be stuck still.

Here is that link: Seals Wildbook

We’re re-syncing detection in seals today because we think there was an error in the original query we ran. Check in with me tomorrow if detections are still missing as this will take a while to complete.

It seems like detections are still missing. Over the past couple days I have uploaded three individual encounters and so far none of them have gone through detection.

I know the IoT upgrade has taken longer than expected and it shares a WBIA with Seals. I’ll need to pick this up again once the upgrade is wrapped up.

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The IoT upgrade completed this morning. Can you let me know if you’re still having trouble with detection on new uploads?

The three encounters I uploaded over the past week have still not gone through detection.

I’ll follow up on these soon, but to clarify, I was asking if you noticed any issues with today’s uploads.

I figured it would be faster to manually annotate and send these to ID than wait for one of the devs to free up and run their script.

If there are more encounters missing detections that were uploaded before today’s date, let me know.

Okay thanks for annotating those old encounters.

To test if the detection feature is working today I uploaded this encounter:

It has been an hour so far and still no annotation has been created. Our you all still working on this issue, or is it resolved and just taking a long time for my Wildbook?

Something’s definitely still going on in Seals WBIA, but we need more time to dig into it. I hope to have an update by tomorrow.

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I’m sorry; I missed updating this thread last week when we resolved the WBIA issue. It looks like all of the previously linked detections have completed.