Bulk imports not working

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)
Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)
Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)
Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)
Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
It seems that none of my bulk imports are doing detection/identfication.

Could you please check for me? thanks!

Wildbook for Giraffe (giraffespotter.org)

Keeps giving me this error…

Hi @FrederikeOtten ,
Sorry about this experience. There’s a misconfiguration on giraffespotter that seems to be preventing acmIDs from being assigned to images, which blocks detection. This is an intermittent issue that we’re trying to nail down so we can resolve it in its entirety.
For these imports, however, we have manually maneuvered them so they should be processing through detection now.

All the best,

OK, this issue should be resolved. I was able to resend all of the five bulk imports above to detection and ID, and they completed successfully. The results links look good too.

@FrederikeOtten Please let me know if you see this again. We’ll monitor for it too.

Thank you,