Collaboration issue

Hello Anastasia,

I’m encountering an issue regarding access to certain bulks. We (CCS) imported bulks of photos belonging to Shane Gero, whom we designated as the “submitter” before the import. The import itself went smoothly, but to continue with the analysis, I needed to send a collaboration invitation to Shane so that we could review the detection phase for each bulk and then proceed with identification.

However, in order for this to happen, the collaboration must be accepted. I clicked the button to send the invitation, but Shane Gero never received it. Do you know if there is a problem or how we should proceed in this situation?

Additionally, it seems that we already have an existing collaboration with Shane Gero.

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Best regards,

New collaborations or edits to them should trigger a notification in the other user’s account. Here’s an example from my IoT account:

Otherwise, @ShaneGero should be able to go to his profile page, scroll down to the Collaborations section and accept the collaboration update from there.

Let me know if you still run into issues with it.

Hi Anastasia,

It turns out the issue was with the “submitter” column, where there was a mistake in the name entered. That’s been fixed now. However, I have a new question: we now have access to the bulk detection stage (in collaboration with Shane), but we can’t modify the annotations. Do you know why?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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I need more detail to understand the problem. Are you trying to add or delete annotations? What specifically happens when you try? Are you getting an error message?

For the moment I’m just trying to remove them. I click on remove annotation, this message appears: “Are you sure you want to remove this Annotation from the encounter?”, I click on “ok” but nothing happens.

Can you try sighting into Flukebook with another browser and try to remove the annotation there? I’m trying to figure out if this is a caching issue.

If the same thing still happens, can you post the encounter link so I can take a look?

I’ve tried, even with another computer, and nothing changes. On bulks where there’s no collaboration, it works, so I think it has something to do with collaboration.

You can have a look at the bulk: “Gm.DSWP.20090215.xlxs”.
and in particular the line: “66cb7b92” where some of the annotations need to be redone

I’m not sure I understand what you mean here. When a collaboration is in place, it applies to all of a user’s data, and not selected encounters/imports. Nobody can edit the bulk imported encounters uploaded by another user unless it’s your userID that’s assigned to the imported encounters under Encounter.submitterID in the spreadsheet.

I was able to remove the single annotation that was around the two dolphins so that should unblock you on this encounter for now. Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the collaboration from your profile page so I can research whether this is related to another collaboration issue I’m looking into?

We are currently importing and analyzing data related to Shane’s observations as part of a collaboration. However, we are the ones processing the data on Flukebook. To ensure the data is properly affiliated with his account, we have listed “Shane” as the “encounter.submitter” when submitting the data.

It looks like only view permissions are present. This means you can view each other’s data, but can’t edit it. If you click on the Grant Edit Permissions button, this should allow you to edit those encounters once it’s accepted from the other side.

thank you very much Anastasia, that was the problem. Wishing you a very good day !

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Hi Anastasia,

I hope you’re doing well. We have now reached the stage of identifying individuals from the same bulk, but when we create these individuals, they belong to Shane, with whom we are collaborating. Could you please let us know where we can access these individuals?

Thank you in advance.

Whoever’s username is listed under Encounter.submitterID in the bulk import spreadsheet is the user that the encounters in that spreadsheet belong to.

To search for Shane’s individuals, you can go to Search >Individuals > Metadata Filters and in the Assigned to user: menu, select his name from the list and click the Search button.

thank you so much, have a great rest of your day.