Configuration annotations on Sharkbook – Carcharhinus melanopterus

What Wildbook are you working in?


What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

Hi Anastasia,

We’re working with blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in Tanzania, and I’m checking in on how best to onboard them to Sharkbook. The species has already been added to the system, but there are only a few submissions at this stage, and none had been annotated.

For the four submissions with images in the system, I’ve added manual bounding boxes as above. The species is typically identified via the first dorsal fin marking (although a whole body ID may be better). There’s currently no option to manually annotate the dorsal fin.

What’s the best way to proceed with onboarding the species? We have started a folder of good close-up GoPro images of blacktip pups, some of which are readily identifiable to individuals if that’s helpful for us to do manually at the start.


If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Great question. Let me see what what I can find out for you.

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Thanks for your patience! Go ahead and start annotating for the full body (there’s a “shark” iaclass for it now). We’ve enabled MiewID for this species, so you’ll be testing how well it works.

Keep us posted with feedback as more photos are uploaded and matched.

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Fantastic, thanks Anastasia and team! We’ll start the onboarding and provide feedback as we go.

Simon et al.

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Hi @simonjpierce

Let us know how the full body matching goes (or doesn’t). This is a really cool zero-shot experiment with the MiewID v3 model. We could also subset to single fin 1st dorsal matching as well as an alternative if you’re finding full body matching not working.


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