Date of death error

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I tried to enter just the year for the date of death on this Marked Individual page but when I did, I got this error message: " Error: I was unable to set the individual’s time of death. I cannot find the individual that you intended it for in the database, or the time was not specified."
I got the same error when I tried to enter the year and month. I can’t specify a day as this is almost never known with any of our species, and time of death is definitely always unknown.


Is the time of death actually needed or is this just letting me know that more date info is needed, like month and day?


Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
I’ll inspect this in more detail asap.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

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Hi, @ACWadmin1 !

So weird; I could not reproduce this behavior (see screenshot).

If you’re still having the problem, which browser and operating system were you using?

Hi @MarkF - well now I can’t reproduce it either! I guess it’s true that if you wait long enough sometimes some stuff does just go away on its own ; )-

So we’re good on this one, Mark, thanks - call it resolved. I see that while the system does allow us to enter just the year, it defaults in the 1st of Jan for the date, which isn’t ideal since it implies that the exact date of death is known, which is mostly never is.

@brmscheiner - for next gen, we’d love to have the ability to enter more general date information for birth and death, that would make these fields more useful. Ex. to be able to enter just the year or just the year and the month, without a specific day, that would fit better with what most users would know, if they know anything at all, about the animal’s birth and death dates.


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Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
Glad it worked (January 1st thing notwithstanding)!
Great idea to communicate with Ben from here as well (… I think/hope, at least!).

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