Delete Individual

Hey there

Can you pls delete the following individual? Internet of Turtles

Something went wrong there. We will upload the pictures again on a new encounter.

Thank you very much


Hi @dkistler

  1. Click on the encounter linked from the Individual page
  2. Click the Edit button next to the Identity section
  3. Click the Remove button next to Remove from marked individual

This should automatically delete the Individual. An Individual page only exists as long as there are encounters associated with it.

Dear Anastasia - Yes this is how we do it usually. But unfortunately on this encounter we can’t do it. The Button doesn’t exist. Looks like this encounter is not associatet to anyone.

All the best


Thanks for clarifying! I’ve assigned the encounter to you so you should be able to edit it now.

Hey Anastasia. Unfortunately i still can’t delete it… It tells me that there is no individual assigned to it.

It looks like you were able to delete it. When I followed the link above, it says it no longer exists: