Detection on AWD - only 1 annotation per media asset regardless of # of individuals

Hi, thanks for sharing this bug. This does seem related to the new assigner, specifically the assigner in conjunction with the bulk uploader. We are investigating this now and will keep you updated.


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Awesome, thanks Drew! I’ll keep reviewing the uploads and will let you know if I see anything else that doesn’t look right. So far, this is the only problem I’ve seen. I’ll try to run more matches too; haven’t done many of those yet.


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Could you share the excel sheet that generated please? Either here or via email. No need to include the images for now. Thank you!

Hi @Drew, I’ve just emailed it to you. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do or send.


Received, thank you. One last question for now: are you pressing the ‘send to detection (no identification)’ or the ‘send to identification’ button at the end of your bulk upload process?

Good question - for all bulk imports, we use the ‘send to detection (no identification)’ option ALWAYS.


(bookkeeping: tracking under WB-1360 and WB-1381, resume ignoring me)

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I’ve been making progress on this but am not done yet. The issue in your original comment should be resolved but I am still looking into those described in your second longer comment, so no need to do further testing until I’ve addressed that as well. Thanks for all the information and links, and you can expect another update tomorrow.

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Thanks Maureen! That does sound super similar, whether it’s just the same symptom or the same cause I am not sure. I did wonder if you had pressed the button twice, so it’s good to hear that’s not the case. I’ll keep you updated as I deduplicate the data today, and hopefully prevent this from happening again.

Hi again @ACWadmin1,

These data issues should now be fixed and you should proceed with more using/testing of the platform! Keep your ear to the ground though, and I’ll keep this ticket open because there’s still one issue we don’t understand.

  1. The only-one annotation-per-image issue in your original comment was, I believe, just an error in how we had rerun detection+assigner on your old images. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we never saw this specific issue on new data uploaded + detected after the assigner was added. Regardless, I cleaned that data and reran it through the assigner, and looking at your Sightings above I see the annotations and encounters we’d expect. If you have old Import Tasks that are still corrupted in a unique rather than systematic way, consider if you can re-upload that data, as the compatibility between old imports and the new assigner is… complicated. But let me know if you see widespread problems still unaddressed.
  2. The second big issue, seeing duplicate annotations and duplicate encounters is the one that’s still a bit of a mystery. It is a nondeterministic issue, meaning I cannot replicate it myself by copying what you did, but I can see in the logs when the error(s) happened for you. The problem is that sometimes detection is called 2 or 3 times instead of just once when you send detection for a bulk import, though we don’t know why. This leads to 2 or 3 copies of all the annotations (and in the right scenarios, encounters) being created as a result. I have deleted these duplicates, and the links you’ve shared are now clean. There were a total of 17 import tasks where this duplication had occurred. Let us know if you see it again.

So we will be monitoring this issue. I’ve built scripts to clean up these scenarios and can clean your data more quickly if we see either again. Meanwhile we are tracking the detection-duplications and will work on preventing those in the future.

Thank you SO much for your patience and detailed notes!

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@Drew - you just MADE MY WEEK!!! This is awesome. It seemed crazy complicated to me and I really didn’t expect a fix as quick as this. My lack of faith is NOT a reflection on you, just that technology sometimes hates me so I expect things like this to be weird and hard to resolve. Although I’m sure it wasn’t a cake walk.

We’ll keep our eyes peeled for any other signs of problems and keep you posted.

thank you again SO MUCH! And have a wonderful weekend.

best regards,