What Wildbook are you working in?
What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I did a bulk import yesterday with 237 encounters, and today am seeing 430 in my encounter submission results. I assume these must be duplicates – whether I accidentally did something or it’s a bug, I’m not sure. Regardless, I don’t want to add 430 encounters to my project, only the 237 original ones, and I’m not sure how to either a) only add the 237 from my 3/21/2021 or b) delete the 193 assumed duplicates.
My encounter submission log does show 237 created yesterday (3/21/2021) and the remaining ones that I want deleted, created today (3/22/2021). I’m not sure if this helps.
As another note, the duplicates read:
NOTE: cloneWithoutAnnotations(f47c0ccd-e5b2-49a8-97a9-f83763a12eb0) → dafe5443-fee5-4660-9fce-5a8dbd93e1f0
in the metadata.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
I wish I knew how this happened! After detection completed last night, the extras appeared.