Error initiating IA job - TroutSpotter Bulk Imports

What Wildbook are you working in? TroutSpotter

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred? TroutSpotter

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? I have 10+ bulk imports and decided to start sending them to the IA. I haven’t seen results for any of the images after a few days, and get “error initiating IA job” when I click on an individual encounter’s link. These are large batches but it’s been several days since I started a few of them.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

HI @krogers, welcome!

I spot-checked a few of your recent imports and it looks like detection has completed on them. Once the Computer Vision Status at the top of the import table shows detection complete, you can scroll to the bottom of the table and click on the Send to identification button once you’ve selected the regions to search for match candidates.

Once identification runs, you’ll be able to see your match results.

Hi Anastasia!

I’ve been selecting “send to identification” on a handful of my bulk imports and am only seeing images as “trout: queuing” or “trout: waiting to queue”. It’s been days since sending them and I’m only seeing one photo in one bulk import that is showing that it’s complete, or “trout:completed”.

When I click on this fish (encounter d8bb6b69), I’m unable to annotate it at all. It has an option to “confirm no match”, but shows an error when I select this option that reads “Something went wrong with assigning the new name to the individual containing encounter d8bb6b…”

Should I keep sending all of my bulk imports “to identification”, or will this clog the system up?

Thank you!

Can you link to the encounter you’re referring to? I don’t know which bulk import it’s from and I’m unable to search for it with the partial ID you shared.

Hold off for now while I verify what’s causing the errors. I hope to have an update soon.

Thanks for hanging in there. I think this was just a hiccup in WBIA because I manually re-ran a single encounter from one of your imports and got match results back pretty quickly.

I just re-ran ID on one of your smaller import so hopefully that one will return match results soon.