Flukebook identification problem

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the e-mail subject corresponding to your bug report.

In which Wildbook did the problem occur?
→ Flukebook

What operating system were you using (e.g. MacOS 10.15.3)?
→ I’m using MacOS 10.15.17

What web browser were you using? (e.g. Chrome 79)
→ I use google chrome

What is your role on the site (administrator, researcher, etc.)?
→ I’m Ioena, an intern with the Caribbean Cetacean Society (I use Louise’s account) in Martinique.

What happened?
–>This is the first time I’ve used Flukebook.
I imported my bulk imports for different species and dates. I managed to detect dolphin dorsal fins, but since I launched the “identification” part, it’s not loading, so I’m at 0 identifications out of 158 encounters… And that’s for all my bulks imported in the last 1 week. None of them load, so I can’t move on to the next steps.

What did you think would happen?
→ I thought that the identification of my encounters would work as the day/week, but they remain stuck at 0.

What steps should I take to reproduce the problem?

Hi @lsimon

Thanks for sending your spreadsheets!

Can you post links to the bulk imports that are stuck in ID so I can look into this further? I didn’t find any whose filename matched either of the spreadsheets you emailed me.

Edit: Nevermind, I just noticed that I’m confusing two different issues from different CCS users sharing your account. Can you also email your spreadsheets to services@wildme.org and link back to this post in your email?