Giraffe Spotter - error

What Wildbook are you working in?
Giraffe Spotter

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
after completing a new encounter

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
after completing a new encounter and submitting it I get to see this server error page:

Hi @FrederikeOtten

Can you please send me the link from your browser to this error?


HTTP Status 500 ? Internal Server Error (

Thanks @FrederikeOtten

I am able to reproduce this error on Encounter submission with some JPGs I have, but some are also submitted successfully. Would you mind sending me the image(s) you are trying to upload to my email address jason at wildme dot org? In addition to the images I am reproducing the error with, I want to make sure I am making sure it is the same error you are seeing.

Filed as ticket WB-1991.


Hi @FrederikeOtten

I also did a rebuild and restart of Wildbook as the error I was seeing could simply be caused by a stale server environment. Upon rebuild and restart, I was no longer able to reprdocue the error, and my images are uploading without issue.

Can you please retest with the same data and images that cuased the error?

Thank you,

yes it works now, thanks