GrouperSpotter Emails

Hi Jason. thanks for fixing the confirmation screen. As volunteers submit images is their any way for them to receive any automatic notifications via email that their submission was accepted or approved or of any matches are made. Or is this something we would need to do manually?

Hi @accfish

Notifications should be sent when new IDs are assigned and when individuals are resighted so long as the person’s email is listed as either a Submitter or Photographer on a relevant Encounter of that Marked Individual.

However, I believe GrouperSpotter is not configured currently to send emails. I would be happy to turn that on, but we would need to work with the owner of to make three DNS changes to allow email to be sent from the domain via MailChimp/Mandrill. You would also need to edit some email templates that we would provide to match your desired messaging and visual style. Please let me know if you want to do that.


HI Jason,
Yes I think once we promote the platform publicly (this fall) we will want to do that. I will touch back in August to set up a plan we are still trying to get through all of our initial bulk uploads.

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