How is Location ID default for match criteria determined?

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

Just a question - how are the defaults determined for Match Criteria, in particular, the Location ID default? How does the default get established? Is it by user and their previous selection or some other factor(s)?



Do you mean if no location ID has been selected for an encounter what will be included when you start a match for an annotation on that encounter?

Not much. Any encounters that also lack a location ID will be part of the matching set.

We really need a location ID, even if one of those broad top level ones. It’s good to allow omitting
one in case a researcher can come along and add it later, but there aren’t any assumptions we can
make about location.

And that is about it for defaults! We require species. If there is no viewpoint set from detection we don’t limit based on viewpoint.


Hi @colin - sorry for the confusion. What I meant was, what determines the default location ID in the match criteria box when you run matching? Are you saying that whatever the location ID is in the source encounter (i.e. the encounter that you’ve run matching from) is what determines the default location ID in the match criteria popup?


Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
That is correct (colin confirms: “it will automatically check the box for that location ID and all those below it in the heirarchy”).

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