How to Make Picturebook for Only on Project

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
I’m attempting to make a picture book of whales from only one of my projects (e.g. Scotian Shelf Pilot Whales) for a survey next week, but it ends up using all of my uploaded individuals.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
I’ve tried two ways. The first is going under my individuals, querying out those with the designation SS, and then going to export. Exporting brings up all 300+ individuals I’ve uploaded and matched instead of the 62 I expect. So, I tried to query out the same whales using “search” and then individuals. Again, this queried them out right, but when I went to exports to make the picture book, it was 37,000 plus encounters from all of Flukebook? How do I solve this?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @ezwamborn

Here’s the search results link and your picture book link.

In an Individual Search I set the following entries:

  • Location filter (text) > check the box for “require the marked individual to be sighted in all selected location IDs” > select “Scotian Shelf” from the list
  • Observation attribute filters > set genus and species to Globicephala melas
  • Metadata filters > Assigned to user (your name from the menu) > Project name > select “Scotian Shelf Pilot Whale Identification Project” from the list

You might be able to get the same results with fewer search parameters, but I ended up getting the 62 whales with the steps above.

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Thanks @Anastasia - I will try this and get back to you! I figured there had to be a way, but couldn’t get there. Will try to replicate. Have a busy couple of days, so might not have time right away (off to help with a marine mammal research camp for high schoolers tomorrow morning super early and will be in the field until Wednesday evening).

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No worries! That’s why I linked to the new search results and picture book in my reply. I just wrote out the steps in case you needed to reference it in the future for another picture book search.

Good luck with the camp! That sounds amazing.

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