Hydra ACW & Whiskerbook showing as down on dashboard

I’ve just checked the Grafana dashboard for WBIA / Sage and I see that ACW & Whiskerbook are showing as Hydra Down:

I also see on the ACW-specific dashboard that there is no data for the IA queue since just before 2pm today:

Could someone please investigate and fix?

I think this explains the lack of progress on a bulk import I uploaded & sent to detection several hours ago that still hasn’t had any detections completed: Wildbook for Carnivores | Login


Hi @ACWadmin1

We are aware and investigating. This is a hardware issue (disk), so the fix may span into tomorrow as well.

Thank you,

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Hi @ACWadmin1

The machine learning server is back up. We just resent two ACW bulk import to ID but let us know if you still see anything weird with them.

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WOOHOO!!! Thanks to everyone @ Wild Me who helped fix this so quickly. Your hard work and dedication are much appreciated!

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