Identification problem

Hello Anastasia,

I hope you are well, I wanted to know if it was possible to force the identification of several bulk imports that seem to be blocked please.
The bulks concerned are :

Thanks you very much,

Hi @rebeca

I’ve resent these imports to ID, but just so you know for future reference, you can do this too from the bottom of the bulk import page. It’s when detections are stuck that you can reach out for help. Let me know if these match results don’t come back.

Very well thank you very much, sorry for the inconvenience it’s just that some were blocked despite the fact that we restarted the identifications at the bottom of the page. Thanks again.

No worries! It wasn’t clear from your post whether you had tried re-running it on your own first so that’s why I suggested it. If you’re not sure results are taking a long time because the queue is running slowly or if something is preventing it from completing, I can help investigate that.

Fa.Expe2021.6 and Fa.Form2021.3 appear complete. I’m still working on the others. Thanks for your patience!

Quick update: The one that’s not complete on Fa.Expe2023.3 is because the viewpoint is a unique one. It’s a top-down view of the fin. However, Flukebook should have given you a message that there’s nothing to match against instead of that there’s a matching error.

More broadly, Flukebook hasn’t been updated to Wildbook 10.2 yet and we believe this will fix the errors you’re seeing. We’re working on this and I’ll update you when that’s ready.