Inspect goes to WBIA site not inspection results page

I went through with Chrome, Firefox, and Brave while logged in and logged out and could not reproduce.

I looked at the code on our side, and the URL gets built in only one place of code, and if it were malformed, we get an ugly error message like this:

So the redirect to the base URL is a mystery. I am asking @parham to weigh in on whether WBIA might redirect to its base URL for another error/reason.

Hi @ACWadmin1

We reviewed the separately sent video of the issue. There’s another clue in that WBIA’s landing page, when it loads, is mangled with missing CSS. This suggests it’s not WBIA or Wildbook (at least not entirely) dictating this behavior and could be some aspect of a browser plugin or Internet filter happening.

Can your user please try to reproduce this with Firefox or another browser to rule out (or in) a browser plugin?


Hi @jason - I’ve sent her a note to ask her to re-run in another browser. Will get back to you with the answer. thanks!

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Hi @jason - update on this. The user tried a different browser, Firefox, on the same laptop and then also tried with her partner’s laptop. Got the same result so that rules out a browser plugin issue. I asked her to run a virus scan on her system and that didn’t change this result either. So she’s going to try to find a tech expert to help but for now, we’re stumped.

The challenge for us is, when she gets WBIA instead of the inspect results expected, if she closes it and clicks on inspect again, often she then gets the correct inspect results, although sometimes it takes a few iterations before she gets the correct inspect results. So when we get the link and click on it, it’s at least the 2nd click and so we might not see what she sees because she only sees it on the first “inspect” click.

The other challenge is that this doesn’t occur with all “inspect” clicks, not even all within the same set of match results. So hard for us to find an example.

When you suggested the possibility of an internet filter being the cause, can you please elaborate on what you mean? And any other ideas anyone might have would be much appreciated.


Internet providers and VPNs can also enforce their own blocking/filtering software. However, I think this will go away when the related Hotspotter fix under SAGE-473 is deployed. The user should not be going to this page anyway.

More on that soon.


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