In which Wildbook did the issue occur? Lynx
What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3) Ubuntu 18.04
What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79) Firefox 83.0
What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc) Admin
What happened?
This error comes up when you try to inspect some matches
{“status”: {“success”: false, “code”: 400, “message”: “Route error, Python Exception thrown: ""”, “cache”: -1}, “response”: “Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/wbia/wildbook-ia/wbia/control/", line 1217, in translated_call\n result = func(**kwargs)\n File "/wbia/wildbook-ia/wbia/web/", line 1140, in query_chips_graph_match_thumb\n raise controller_inject.WebMatchThumbException(*args, message=message)\nwbia.control.controller_inject.WebMatchThumbException: \n”}
What did you expect to happen?
An inspection page with the 2 lynxes matched with areas highlighted.
Hey there!
We’ve looked into this and know what it going on. IA returns a smaller list of results to improve rendering, but the Wildbook front end is not respecting the smaller list. We’ll go ahead and get that fixed. We’re tracking it with WB-1196.
I believe this is the same error you reported here: Inspection issues
If so, this is classified as a “moderate to severe” issue, but we’ve had another month of critical issues cropping up, so this hasn’t made it up the list yet.
No worries! When we get it fixed, I’ll let you know about clean up for them and if it’s gonna be something addressed with a script or if it’s manual restarts or what. I’m gonna fold this in with the other report so we have them all grouped together.
Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
I’m sorry for not responding to this back in May ! WB-1196 essentially hid the inspect button for match candidates beyond 16, which, to my knowledge, don’t have inspect images due to constraints with image analysis. WB-1196 was a cosmetic fix to prevent users from being able to create the python error you reported.
If you’re still seeing the python exception for candidates numbering less than 17, that’s likely a different bug that we should investigate.