Intermittent issues kicking off matching from Africa

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Users attempting to kick off matching from South Africa

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
Intermittent slowdowns occurring where 2 different users in different locations are seeing non response from ACW on matching

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
We have not been able to do so from Vancouver.

I did have user run TraceRoute to see routing and delays


We are not able to replicate this either. There are many, many things that could be between those users and the server that would interrupt access.

We have access to the TunnelBear VPN, but it has no African nodes that we could use to test with.

I just ran a match and had no issue getting a response. ACW runs in Azure with a backend Image Analysis server in a professional cabinet in a dedicated building (backup power, cooling, etc.), so it’s unlikely that a local, connectivity interrupt affected us.



Are we using the correct IP address to Ping or TraceRoute?

I used WBIA for the Cheetah annotation link… should I use something else?

I have pushed a hardware upgrade onto the user, but it looks like a bigger WAN issue from the data I saw.



Hi Paul,

For security reasons, Azure VMs by default and our servers ignore ICMP traffic generally (pings). So ping cannot be used here as a means of “seeing” the server.

One way to see whether access is being limited locally is to use a VPN like TunnelBear to try accessing the server from effectively a different location and see if that resolves the issue.


Hi, @PaulK !
May I close this issue?
Many thanks,

Hi Mark

Go ahead and close it off.



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Thanks, @PaulK!

Done. For the record, that GIF of you zooming into your laptop cracks me up every time I see it.