Internet of Turtles not returning matches

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Internet of Turtles

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)
Windows 10 Pro

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)
Chrome Version 134.0.6998.36 (Official Build) (64-bit)

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
Org admin, Researcher

What happened?
For the past several weeks, I have not been able to get IoT to show matches. This occurs when trying to pull up match results from previous turtles as well as for new matches. There have been multiple days where it states: “There are XXX jobs in the queue average XX minutes”.
See image below for “waiting for results”:

What did you expect to happen?
See the list of potential matches

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?
Determine if there is a bug preventing matches from being displayed.

Hi @emcginley

Thanks for the heads up. I’ll need to look into this and get back to you.

Thanks for your patience! We restarted IoT and that seemed to help get matches returning again on one of the previously stuck encounters we tested. You should be able to restart a match on any encounters that don’t have results yet. You can do this by clicking on the menu icon in the image and selecting “start a match” or “start another match” (one or the other will appear).

Great! I will try today

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