IoT stuck on "Waiting for results. The machine learning queue is working."

What Wildbook are you working in? Internet of Turtles

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
The other error was that no annotations are being created after upload
Not getting to any results. Page will timeout or show error initiating AI.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @noaahawaii

We restarted the IoT WBIA server. Can you re-send your images to ID and let me know if this fixes the errors?

I re-uploaded the photos and also tried to upload one of them as a completely new entry. They are all stuck on “still waiting for detection”. I uploaded about 30 minutes ago and refreshed a few times

Do you mean that you deleted the encounter and re-uploaded them or that you only replaced the photos on the encounters themselves? Did you delete them before re-running ID?

If you submitted new encounters can you share the URLs to them so I can take a look at which ones to research?

Did not delete the whole entry. Only the images, and re uploaded the new images.
The one above was a new upload

Thanks for clarifying! I need more time to figure out why WBIA is being slow. I’ll follow up as soon as I have an update.

It looks like the detector wasn’t assigning the image an acmID. This is a step that needs to happen before identification can start. We’ve restarted WBIA and it’s queueing for detection now. It should start working through any jobs that didn’t complete correctly before. I’ll check in on these in the morning to make sure everything’s processed normally.

It looks like detection on your example link are done and match results are displaying correctly. Let me know if you find other lingering issues.