Lynx Location ID missing

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

I am not able to find Location ID: Dinarides or any older Location ID ( Croatian, Gorski Kotar) when using the command maching ( Choose criteria to match against)

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
On this bulk importu I activated action “send to identification”. Last results are ( and it is the same for cc 35 hours:
Total MediAssets: 310,
Number with acmIDs: 310
Number that have completed detection: 158
mages sent to IA: 310 (100%)

As you can see on the link, it says that the photo is still weiting for detection.There was a annotation. I deleted exited and I out manually new annotation and stated maching. I couldn’t find Location ID.

I’m not sure if the program is still working on identification. Can I somehow stop that identification and maybe just do it manually. Would that be optimal?


Hi @Stjepan

It looks like there are two issues here.

I am not able to find Location ID: Dinarides or any older Location ID ( Croatian, Gorski Kotar) when using the command matching ( Choose criteria to match against)

I am seeing Dinarides listed, but you do have to scroll down in the list to see it:

On this bulk importu I activated action “send to identification”. Last results are ( and it is the same for cc

Can you please provide the link to the bulk import?


Hi, @ jason

Thank you for fast replay,

I can see now Location ID, maybe it was just my concentration, sorry.

Here is link for bulk import.


Hi @Stjepan


I am resending the bulk import to detection and ID. I’ll let you know here when it is done.


Hi @Stjepan

OK, I updated the Whiskerbook code, and you can now see more information about your completed bulk import, which looks like it went fine. Included now are links directly to match results.

An interesting caveat in the cross-application of the Iberian lynx detector here is that we are absolutely finding the Eurasian lynx, but it is finding it with lower confidence, which actually makes sense! (They’re not really Iberian lynx)

However, at the lower confidence, it is flagging some of the lower confidence annotations as needing review and blocking further matching of them manually via the “start match” menu option on the photo. I went ahead and cleared those after a quick review (they looked great!), and all of your images have completed matching, unless the detector didn’t find the lynx in which case you can still use Manual Annotation to draw the bounding box.

The update to the import page should also help you see what has completed matching a bit better for future imports and get to match results faster via a link as shown below.


Hi @Stjepan

Does all look resolved?


Hi @jason ,

The program did not recognize all pictures. As far as I can see these are mostly lower quality photos .A small part of the lynx is seen on them. We are still testing qualiti of match results.


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