Machine Learning for Sandtigers / Grey Nurse Sharks

Hi there,

Has ML for been trained to recognise and identify sandtiger sharks (Carcharias taurus) at this stage?

If not, is that something I can help with? We’ll shortly be uploading a lot of IDs from Queensland in Australia. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good question! Let me see what I can find out and I’ll get back to you.

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Hi Anastasia,

If it doesn’t exist at this point, is it possible to set up an ML training environment for this species? We have plenty of images.


Sorry about the delay. We have the data, but the model hasn’t been trained yet.

You should still be able to contribute images and then do matching using the Administer > Grid Administration menu or by clicking on the menu on the image and clicking on “spot mapping”. Both paths should take you to the same place.

We have a video demonstrating how to use the spot mapping feature on our YouTube channel.

Great, thanks! Would it be useful for me / our team to assist with training?

My impression is that the ball is in our machine learning team’s court for next steps, but I’ll reach out if I hear otherwise.

Thanks! Definitely let me know if there’s anything we can do to assist.

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Hi Anastasia,

I just tried to spot-map and scan one of the unapproved public-submitted C. taurus from Australia, but it’s not coming up with results from either Groth or I3S:

Did I do it correctly? The direct encounter link is here: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks


Let me research this a bit more and I’ll follow up soon.

Thanks for your patience. I created a new feature region and spot mapped from it just to see if there were any errors with retrieving the scan: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks

I’m not sure why the original results aren’t loading anymore. I tested the new mapping in Chrome. Can you let me know which browser and version you used so I can keep testing to see if this potentially a browser compatibility issue?


For sure, I’m on Brave 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (arm64). Brave Shields are down.

Your link is showing up fine today – though it’s odd that a right side has matched to a left.

Thanks for following up. I’ve tested in Brave on my own account it’s working fine there, too.

That’s possibly due to my inferior attempt at spot mapping since I may have placed the anchors of the first and second dorsal imprecisely. :sweat_smile: Feel free to delete mine and start again.

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Thanks Anastasia! I’ll go back and play with IDs again :slight_smile:

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