Manual annotation iaClasses for salamanders in ARW

Thanks for clarifying, Anastasia.
We are now implementing the “Sal:adult”/“Sal:post-metamorph”- distinction in our bulk imports.
I have one last question regarding this issue: when drawing a new annotation for an ecnounter, should we use annotation class: “salamander_fire_adult” or “fire_sal” for adults (= Sal:adult) and/or sub-adults (=Sal:post-metamorph)?

My guess is salamander_fire_adult for both Sal:adults and Sal:post-metamorphs as this is being automatically done for our latest bulk import that uses the correct lifeStage-distinction: Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook | Login
In that case, what is the annotation class fire_sal for?

Good question! I’d not noticed that before. Let me see what I can find out for you.

Quick update to let you know I’ve moved this to its own topic as this may be related to some outdated code that’s creating confusion with available viewpoints.

I’ve learned that fire_sal is an outdated iaClass class that’s no longer used and should be removed from ARW shortly.

When the salamander algorithm was trained, adults were photographed from the top (looking down at the salamander’s back) and juveniles were photographed from their sides. Life stage doesn’t factor into how the ID works, but it’s listed that way to account for how the training data was provided to us.

Which iaClass to select in your manual annotation will depend on whether your photograph is of a salamander’s back (salamander_fire_adult) or of its side (salamander_fire_juvenile).

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Thanks for the clarification!

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Quick update to share that fire_sal has been removed from the list of iaClasses.

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Great, that will be less confusing for no Wildbook users :slight_smile:

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