Matching results error

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? zebra

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3) PC

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79) Chrome and Microsoft edge

What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc) researcher

What happened?
While accepting match of 2 similar individuals I got an “error updating encounter”

What did you expect to happen?

What are some steps we could take to reproduce the issue?

It looks like this encounter isn’t assigned to a researcher. If it came from a bulk import, you may want to update the spreadsheet, delete the import, and then re-import it so that the encounters are assigned and editable.

Hi Anastasia,
I have uploaded again, and the error still appears.

This is what I get by deleting import task.

Hi @Rosemary

Is this your new import link?

Despite the 502 error that showed up for you, it looks like the original import was successfully deleted because I’m not seeing the partial encounter ID from your screenshot in the import link above.

It looks like the submitter ID is still an issue because it’s not listing a managing researcher on any of its encounters:

The field you’ll want to update in your spreadsheet is Encounter.submittedID. This is where you put in the username of the researcher account these encounters should be assigned to.

Encounter.submitter0emailAddress is for when you want a separate user’s email address added to the Contact Information section:

Hi Anastasia.
The issue is not solved even after adding the submitter ID.


Kindly assist.

Can you send me your spreadsheet so I can test with it?

Have sent.

1 Like

Thanks for sending me your spreadsheet!

I deleted the columns with no metadata and did a test import with it and I can see you as the assigned researcher on the encounters:

I don’t know why, but sometimes empty columns (field headings with no metadata beneath) can create issues. I’m going to send you the spreadsheet back with the unused columns deleted. Let me know if you’re able to confirm matches with this version of the spreadsheet.

  1. I uploaded again. Some individuals match and others have matching errors. Example in the below link, it’s a new foal that I have given ID. Rank No.1 to No.12 is the same foal sighted in different dates and time. No.2 _matching Error, No. 3_succesful match, No. 8_Matching Error, No. 9_Succesful match…etc.

Help me understand what is wrong with those annotations where am getting errors.

  1. In the same Bulk upload, some encounters match others have unauthorized matching errors. What might be the problem since it’s the same metadata, same excel format.


I checked each match and I can see match candidates for each one, without matching errors. There’s a possibility that these were still processing when you posted about it but had completed in between then and the time I started researching this.

Hm, this one I may need to look into more. When I go to the encounter this came from, it does look like it’s accepting the matches you made despite the error message on the match page:

I looked over at the Attributes section on the same encounter and see that there’s no taxonomy here, which would normally prevent detection or ID from occurring but this encounter has matches.

Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 3.52.50 PM

The Audit Trail doesn’t show any updates made to the taxonomy after it was imported, which is also strange. This part is unrelated to the errors you mentioned, but if this encounter was imported without a taxonomy and still completed detection and matching, I’ll want to investigate that, too.

Some of them with errors has Taxonomy. I guess there is more to those errors.


I’ll follow up if I have anymore questions, but I’ll need more time to work on why it’s not letting you confirm these matches.

Thanks for your pateince!

I think part of the issues you’re experiencing is due to the previous imports not getting deleted before you fixed and reuploaded the spreadsheets:

You’ll want to delete the imports from Feb 12 and Feb 13 and keep the one from Feb 16. This should result in seeing fewer errors while you review matches as the latest import has all of its encounters assigned to you.

For example, this encounter is from the first import from Feb 12. The error on the match page is because this was from the upload that didn’t include Encounter.submitterID.

Regarding this encounter, it looks like it was submitted via the Report an Encounter page and is not part of a bulk import. Since it doesn’t require you to select a species a before submitting it, that’s why we don’t see a taxonomy here. You should be able to update the taxonomy, save it, and then manually restart the match if you want to view more accurate match candidates. This should also resolve any match error message that previously appeared.

Thanks, Anastasia, for your assistance in solving this issue.
I have been trying to delete the previous imports in vain.

502 Bad Gateway

Kindly delete for me.

The site can sometimes time out when deleting large imports (either by number of encounters or the size of the images). I’ll work on these in the background.

Hi Anastasia,
Am still not able to delete the multiple uploads for GGR2024 Mpala Jan27_28 . Kindly delete for me all dates apart from one named GGR2024 Mpala Jan27_28(updated) uploaded on 2025-02-16.

This will help us know if the un authorized errors while matching will end. Otherwise, we are stuck.

Thanks for checking in! I haven’t forgotten about this; it’s just taking more time than expected to resolve. Thanks for your patience.

Quick update: This is a bug that we’ve written a ticket for. I’ll follow up again as soon as it’s fixed.

These imports have been deleted. Thanks for your patience!