Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
We have been trying to ID the whale shark images we uploaded, but we are getting messages when trying to access an individual encounter. The message reads, Access to this resource is limited and an invite to collaborate is pending. However, my colleague had to invite herself to collaborate even though she uploaded the data, and she didn’t get a collaboration invite email, so now she can’t access the data she uploaded to ID the whale sharks.
Also, I requested a collaboration with my colleague and she didn’t get the invite from me either, so neither of us can ID the whale sharks.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report
In the Metadata section there’s no managing researcher assigned. Wildbook doesn’t automatically assume the user who uploaded a bulk import is the owner of its encounters, so it treats it as unassigned. A quick workaround could be to fix the spreadsheet, delete the current bulk import, and then re-import the spreadsheet.
Pending collaboration requests should appear like this in Sharkbook:
Clicking on the bell icon will display any notifications. I know Sharkbook received an upgrade recently, so you may need to clear your browser’s cache and cookies to make sure it’s not just displaying cached site elements from the previous version of Wildbook.
Thank you so much for your help with this Anastasia, that seems to have solved the problem of getting the collaboration messages and being able to access the encounters for matching. We still can’t seem to export our encounter search to the standard Excel format, so would it be possible for you to send another exported spreadsheet through, as the catalogue numbers for each encounter have changed since the new bulk upload.®ularQuery=true