Missing submitter ID causing duplicates in new ID uploads

Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
I took a look at WAM1903’s four encounters, and they all look to be owned by a user with initials GC now.

So, there’s a slight distinction between SubmitterID (which, unless my brain is not working right now, which is totally possible, is not visible to users) and name in the Submitters list (which is visible in the encounter page). What you know as managing researcher is the submitterID (i.e., the “owner” of the encounter).

So, if you were seeing Jason as the managing researcher, unless something suuuper weird was happening (not at all impossible), he was likely also the submitter ID.

If you are able to find another duplicate that you can bring my attention to on this thread before editing it, I’d love to have a look and see whether there’s something I can do system-wide to fix these types of duplicates.

As for the second part of this post - regarding populating submitter ID with managing researcher during bulk import - I am under the impression that this is already happening (but would be happy to confirm if you send a recent bulk import encounter that you’re curious about my way).

I imagine what you’re really wanting is to populate the Submitters list with at least the managing researcher, which makes sense to me.

After I get confirmation that this is what you’d want, I’ll check with the team to make sure that there isn’t a good reason this hasn’t already been implemented, and we may add it to the support and/or feature list.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
Just checking in on this thread.
Hope you’re having a good Monday!

Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
For the time being, I’m going to tag the related post of 2 identical marked individuals? as encompassing this thread as well and mark this closed.

If there ends up being a separate issue having to do with submitterID that’s also creating duplicate individuals, I’ll open this back up and give it a ticket number.


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