New orgs to add to the "Organization membership" list in User Management

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

A number of new organizations are signing on to use ACW and I’d like to be able to assign the correct organization to each new user.
Could you please add the following acronyms to the “Organization membership” list in User Management?

AP [African Parks]
PDC [Painted Dog Conservation]
ZCP [Zambian Carnivore Programme]
LL [Lion Landscapes]
CLT [Cape Leopard Trust]
KCT [Kwando Carnivore Trust]
GP [Great Plains Conservation]
AB [&Beyond]
CCPZ [Cheetah Conservation Project Zimbabwe]


cc: @PaulK

Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
This is filed as ticket WB-1940.

Hi again, @ACWadmin1 !
This should be done. I’ve added your admin account as a member to all of these organizations because I don’t think that they can be created without initially having a member. You should be able to remove yourself as a member as desired now. :crossed_fingers: Please let me know if not!


Hi @MarkF - wow, you’ve been busy! thanks for this. I’ve applied the new orgs to the related users and it’s working as expected. I think I’ll keep myself in each of these orgs for now for ease of admin & support.

thanks very much!

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