No matchable detection on an annotated animal

In which Wildbook did the issue occur? ACW

What operating system were you using? Win 10

What web browser were you using? latest chrome

What is your role on the site? admin

What happened?
Opened an encounter and went to see if match results were available and got a message of “no matchable detection” + option to “start another match”. It’s an annotated image of a perfect right viewpoint of a full body so should be easily matchable.

What did you expect to happen? able to view matches


I’ll take a look at the dropdown list option to see why the ‘no matchable detections’ text appeared. The annotation is matchable however at any time the ‘start another match’ option is visible.

I’ve run the identification job myself and recieved good results:


Issue Ticket: WB-878

Hi Colin, I have done the same with other images where this has appeared and the Start another Match works fine. My concern tho is that there’s still a problem when a good image like this, which is matchable, appears with “no matchable detection” in the list. I’ve seen it a few times now and thought it was time to report it.
Also, it kind of negates the fact that I had already run matching on this image, same as for the previous images where this appeared. Since we get match results when we run “start another match”, it doesn’t make sense that the first match run generates this “no matchable detection”.

Hi @ACWadmin1,
I understand your concern since you’ve seen it several times. However, this issue isn’t preventing matching and doesn’t cause issues with detection, just causes some small confusion in the interface. I am working on tracking known issues in a place users can search, but am still trying to figure out the best format/process for doing so, especially since we push fixes as fast as we fix them.
All that being said, we will pull this in when we are able to. Thanks for reporting it.