Not able to see Bulk Import Logs

What Wildbook are you working in?

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

I am not able to see my bulk import logs anymore. I tried to refresh the site and I logged in and out a few times. I can inform that I can still see my encounter data, and program recognises all my 722 photos for new identification.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?

I logged in. Clicked on Administer and clicked Bulk Import Logs.


Just an update. I can see all of my Bulk Import Logs. I am also able to see bulk import logs of Sorosh Poya Faryabi and Jason Holmberg. Just for info as I now they are not part of Life Lyxn in Croatia.


Hi, @Stjepan !
I’m glad that you’re able to see the bulk import logs now! I’ll confirm with my team that these are all logs that you are supposed to be able to see as an orgAdmin.

Thank you for reporting this!