Org ID metadata search filter not working?

What Wildbook are you working in? ACW

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Search > Encounters > Metadata filters > Organization ID - dropdown not showing current list of orgs in system:

That said, if the Org ID metadata filter should be pulling from somewhere else, like “Affiliation” in the User profile, that would be even better since those are being populated as users get set up.

If the Org ID metadata filter is supposed to come from the “Organization membership” section of the User profile, then we need to request to have a few organizations added to that list so these can be used to filter searches. I’ll submit a separate support request for that.


Hi, @ACWadmin1 !
I think that latter assessment (pulling from organization membership) is correct.
If I recall correctly, there’s been an intentional pull away from “affiliation”.

Just want to confirm with @tanyastere .

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Sorry for the delay in responding!

Yes, the latter assessment is correct; those pull from Organization Membership.
There is an additional caveat that needs to be brought up as well. Data is not tied to a membership, but to a user. Searching by organization will bring up all data associated with all members of an organization, which may involve multiple species or locations that are not expected.

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Hi @tanyastere - thanks for clarifying. I don’t think that will be a problem; the other filters can be used if a user needs to refine a search by user, species or location. Being able to search by org is actually a really helpful additional criteria.


Marking this as resolved. That alright, @ACWadmin1 ?

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