Public Encounters Matching and Editing Rights

What Wildbook are you working in? IOT

What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?
There was a previous issue with the public encounters submissions to the Red Sea Turtles Project where they would show up as NA encounters. (here is the link for this thread: N/A encounters from public submitters in projects ).

It is still working and I am able to edit the encounter on the encounter page itself and run the identification but from the match results page it does not allow me to match it directly and I can only do this from the encounter page itself as it tells me I am not authorized to edit it.

Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
Running an identification match from a public encounter while logged into our account.

I have also added some screenshots below.

This is not a big issue as I still am able to work with it but just thought it might be something to look into.

If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to with the email subject line matching your bug report

Hi @linaelsayed03

Thanks for letting us know. I suspect that it’s only letting folks with admin-level permissions confirm matches on public encounters, but I need more time to verify. Any researcher should be able to confirm matches from the public.

Edited to add: verified that researcher and org-admin roles give the same error when confirming matches. Currently, only an admin is able to currently confirm matches on public encounters.

I’ll follow up when I have an update on this.

Thank you for your help

Hi @linaelsayed03

I’ve updated this to a bug report and opened a ticket for it: Only admins can confirm matches from results page of public encounters in IoT · Issue #310 · WildMeOrg/Wildbook · GitHub

I don’t have any updates yet, but this will make it easier to keep track of any progress on the issue. Thanks for your patience.

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Hi @linaelsayed03

Bumping this to keep the conversation in one place. It looks like you’ve been emailing @jason to request admin access as a work-around to this. We can’t grant you the admin role while we wait for this bug to get fixed. For security purposes, only Wild Me staff and site owners get this role because it allows access to all of the user data in Wildbook. The other issues you’ve described, such as the hidden Encounter date on public Encounters are also related to the security settings around public submissions.

That said, we don’t currently have a timeline for this as there’s a backlog of tickets that we’re more actively beginning to address.

Thank you for getting back to me. I understand, let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.

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It looks like this issue was resolved since we last reviewed it as testing has revealed that researchers can confirm matches from the match page now. Thanks for your patience!

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