What is the entire URL out of the browser, exactly where the error occurred?
Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing? @clsims
I have been making annotation corrections and have encountered a couple of things. First, when I hit the “remove the annotation” button more often than not, the image is removed. I re-upload the image and then make a new annotation, so it is probably no big deal, but it is strange. Have you seen this before?
Second, normally when I use the inspect button, both images are straight up and down which is great for comparing. When I adjust an annotation on an image, after it is re-matched, the images are not straight up and down when using the inspect button. This is a problem for trying to match. Do you see any reason why this would happen?
And a couple of other things while I’m here - as I mentioned in a previous inquiry, we don’t have an “inspect” button after the 16th match candidate. Can this be fixed? Also, our zoom buttons are still not very helpful, especially on the main photo. It sometimes gets smaller when the plus button is hit.
Can you provide steps on how to reproduce what you’re experiencing?
In an encounter page, I click on “remove annotation” from the photo in the gallery. Instead of just the annotation being removed, the entire photo is removed. I reload it and then add a new annotation. Occasionally it works correctly, with just the annotation being removed, but that only happens about 10% of the time.
If this is a bulk import report, send the spreadsheet to services@wildme.org with the email subject line matching your bug report
This happens if the image you’re removing an annotation from is also present on another encounter. It’s intentional (although puzzling) behavior, but it’s not a bug.
You can go to Administer > Data Integrity > Annotations Duplicated in Two or More Encounters for a quick way to find encounters that share the same photo if you need to verify whether an image was uploaded before.
Do you have before and after examples I can look at? It’s not something I’ve noticed before.
When tickets get closed out, they’ll often appear in the Wildbook release notes we post in the News Room category. For the issues that were reported in Community, I also follow up in the original post where it was reported to let reporters know it was fixed.
I don’t currently have a timeline for which Wildbook releases these tickets will be part of.
Hi Anastasia - good to know that it isn’t a bug. So now I’m wondering if I am messing things up by re-uploading the photo for those (and if I don’t, how else do I redo the annotations?). I am getting added encounters at the end of my encounter page with Match Results that look like this: whale_beluga: {completed=3}, which I guess has all of the whales that are on that photo (example: Flukebook). I’m not sure how to deal with these.
For the inspect button, here is a good example. Click on all of the inspect buttons, and you will see that they are all in the orientation from the original photos. If you go to the 11th and 12th matches, you can see how different they are from the encounter whale photo.
Not at all! I should have clarified earlier that re-uploading the deleted photo is the right way to handle it when removing an annotation also removes the photo. I think the exception is if it’s the last remaining photo on an encounter. If it is, then it doesn’t get removed.
The number represents the number of ID jobs run on that encounter. So whale_beluga: {completed=3} means that there were 3 ID jobs run; one for each annotation in the encounter.
The photos look like they’re oriented correctly between the match page and the inspection page. I do see an example where instead of a side-by-side inspection image, they’re stacked on top of each other. Is that what you’re referring to?
OK - great. Glad to hear I’m doing OK with the annotation corrections.
So, for all of the other encounters (that haven’t had new annotations made), the “inspect” page orients the two photos so they they are both rotated to the same orientation. Here’s an example. It makes it so much easier to compare the two.
Quick update on match page annotations: I know you didn’t mention this issue specifically, but if you see what looks like a misplaced annotation on the match page, click the zoom in or zoom out button and it should place it back where it’s supposed to be. It’s a known issue.
OK, back to your original question about the inspection image position: The manual annotation tool doesn’t include rotation. Detection first places annotations automatically, we predict the orientation to try to get the animal to the correct rotation for optimize matching. When using the manual tool, it isn’t predicting that rotation, so that’s why some of the inspection images get flipped after fixing an annotation.
Hi - Too bad about the manual tool and rotation. And I have noticed that some of those annotations look bad at first but are actually fine. Thanks for letting me know