In which Wildbook did the issue occur?
Seal Codex
What is your role on the site? (admin, researcher, etc)
What happened?
When I try to filter encounters for example by Freeform location, Photographer, Owner, Notes or Unidentified individual, it says that “your search didn’t match any records”.
Hi @PiiaMutka
Are you still running into this? We corrected a search indexing issue in Codex just before the weekend.
Yes, I tried all filters mentioned above and still it gives the same notification, “Your search didn’t match any records”
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Thanks for confirming. I’ve got my teammates looking into it.
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We’re still working on this, but we suspect that using any capital letters when searching a custom field is what’s making the search results not load.
While we work on this, my suggestion is to try searching in all lowercase letters for these fields.
I tried to search with only lowercase letters, but the result is still the same.
It might take a few moments to finish loading the search results, but I’ve been able to search Freeform Location, Photographer, Unidentified Individual and Owner each time with only lowercase letters. While the page loads it initially shows 0 matching sightings but the progress bar is still working. If I leave the tab open, it loads the results eventually.
We do have a ticket drafted for this. I’ll update this post when there’s a new update on the ticket:
You mean you don’t see this:
Hi @PiiaMutka
You’re right; I made a mistake: the only field I’m not getting results for is the Freeform Location. I’ve checked with my teammates and it looks like there are two separate bug causing this. I’ve updated the details in the ticket to reflect their findings.
Is there any new information about this problem? I can’t open the ticket.
Hi @PiiaMutka
We don’t have an update for this yet. The ticket is currently a draft, which means it won’t be visible until it’s added to the development timeline. When I have an update about it, I’ll share it here.
Thank you for clarification 
Marking as resolved due to Seal Codex to Seal Wildbook migration having already completed.