Seal Wildbook: Projects

What Wildbook are you working in?
Seal Wildbook

I work with Saimaa ringed seal data.

When submitting a new encounter to Seal Wildbook, there is this “Projects” box where you can choose, or I can see options “Seal Quest” and “Public submission queue”, what are those? What happens when you choose one or the other? This is all new to me.

I have students working with newly added accounts submitting our new data in and they can only choose Public submission queue. Is that what they should choose? These accounts have a researcher role.

Best regards,
Piia Mutka, UEF

Hi @PiiaMutka

Projects are a way to help researchers group encounters (such as for surveys) in one place. A user who sets up a project can choose other users who have permission to contribute to or edit which encounters belong to the project. Because you’re an admin in Wildbook, you can see everyone’s projects, even if you’re not added to the project by name.

There is a bug where Public submission queue was selected by default for all new submissions, even when a user was logged in. We’re working on a fix for this.


So should I create a new project for Saimaa ringed seals?


Only if you want to! We leave it up to users to decide whether working with projects makes sense for their workflow.

And if there is no project, do you choose public queue when submitting or leave that project box as “empty”?


Correct; the project selection should be empty if you don’t want to add the encounter to a specific project.

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