Search bar gone on updated version of ACW

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In which Wildbook did the issue occur? African Carnivore Wildbook

What operating system were you using? (eg. MacOS 10.15.3)

What web browser were you using? (eg. Chrome 79)

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What happened? In the previous ACW version, there was a search bar on the top right corner that allowed us to quickly find individuals or encounter. I just had to type the name of an individual to then get access to its page, or I could enter an encounter ID and be directed to that encounter. This search bar is almost vital to efficiently use ACW and it’s quicken a lot of processes and avoid to have to use the Search tab which does not have the same purpose and needs more information.

Please can you put the search bar back?

Thank you!

Hi @Marine_Ingwe

This isn’t a bug; the new Wildbook design removed the search bar from the header. This was an intentional design decision.

You can still search for specific individuals by going to Search > Individuals > Identity filters and entering its name in the Individual names (default, nickname, etc.) contains: field.

Hi Anastasia,

Would it be possible to consider having the search bar added again please? It was such a useful option and having to go through the Search tab is not as efficient. On the search bar I was also able to copy the “Encounter.catalogNumber”, a field that is created after downloading the encounter excel document. When entering that number I could go straight to the encounter and fix any error rapidly when I picked up some on the datasheet.

Thanks for the consideration!

Good news! I got more background info on the decision to take out the search bar and found that it’s only gone temporarily.

The search bar wasn’t consistently returning results for individuals with nicknames so we removed it while we work on indexing biological data (on individuals and sightings). We plan to have it available again for the 10.6.0 release.

Awesome, thank you Anastasia!

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