What Wildbook are you working in? The Internet of turtles
Is there any way to see my submission if I don’t have an account? Once the encounter is successfully submitted, the link received to see the submission redirects to the login page.
I’m working for an NGO in the Philippines and we are currently thinking of the best way to implement IoT tere. Is there any way for us to see the submissions of tourists/divers who would submit their encounters themself on IoT without an account, and add their submissions to our projects? Or do we have to submit their pictures ourself with the researcher account we have? We are also working in Belize, so we would need to keep tracks of all submissions in both countries within 2 different projects.
I tried to submit en encounter without being logged in to my IoT research account to see how it works. I added my work email as the ‘submitter’ and my personal email as the ‘photographer’ and received a confirmation at both email addresses with an ‘encounter link’, but if I try and access the ‘encounter link’ it asks me to login but does not give me an option to register, so having submitted my encounter, and having received an ‘encounter link’ I cannot access it. Is there any way to access my submission without being logged in?
Also, to engage with divers participating in the project, we would like to add their email address as the photographer so they can be updated on the submission of their pictures, but then without an account they can’t access to the submission, right?
Thanks for letting me know. I’m pretty sure submitters without accounts were able to view their submitted encounters via the links in their email, so I’ll need some more time to research this to see what changed.
Thanks for your patience. I misremembered how view access works when not logged in.
Encounter links do require an account in order to be viewed. I do realize that the wording in the submission confirmation email doesn’t make that clear right now. I’ve shared this feedback with the team. However, you don’t need to log in to view a marked individual and their gallery images. You can try this by typing in a turtle’s ID or nickname in the search bar:
If I’m logged out and I click on the Encounter from that page, it prompts me to log in. A submitted photo won’t link to a marked individual page until a researcher has reviewed the matches and confirmed whether the turtle is a previously sighted turtle in our database or a new, previously unidentified one.
They won’t be able to view the Encounter, but they’ll still receive emails to confirm their submission, and again when their turtle has been identified.
I wanted to follow up to let you know that submissions from the public are no longer hidden behind a login, so submitters can view their encounter links from their confirmation emails without needing an account to do so.