What Wildbook are you working in? ACW
Question - is there a way an administrator role can share data between users? Or is it only the data owner who can share their dataset?
What Wildbook are you working in? ACW
Question - is there a way an administrator role can share data between users? Or is it only the data owner who can share their dataset?
At present, only data owners can establish collaborations, which is currently the only way to share data in silo security.
We’re working on better defining and expanding out how permissions and organizations play into data sharing. From a brainstorming perspective, is there something you had in mind?
I’m going to rope in @PaulK because org admin type functions is one of his high priorities. As a first thought, it would be good to enable sharing across all users from within the same organization. @Paulk, other thoughts on this topic?
Hello all.
If we look at our multi-species clients, they will likely have one or 2 org admins who I hope will manage user access at the researcher/org level.
They should be able to share data as follows;
By Sighting
Application here is when another researcher from outside the Org has one of their ID’ed animals matched. Do not want to share all the data - just that Sighting if possible.
By Researcher Organization
Application here is for when I have multiple researchers in a team working inhouse, and we want to share all the data on Species or Regional basis.
By Region
We have many Trans Frontier initiatives where researchers are focused on a cross border park situation (Greater Kruger Park in SA with Mozambique and Zimbabwe) or (KAZA Transfrontier Park with Botswana, Zambia, Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe)
By Species
This application is for those cases where multiple researchers from many organizations are focused on a single species (Such as Lions - eg IUCN Lion working Group)
There are probably more cases but if we can get these to work then we are rolling.
Going to rephrase to make sure I have some understanding:
Your use cases involve org admins managing other user’s access to all data that is associated with the organization. So granting a researcher access to all lion data within the organization would grant access to all lion data of all the users within the organization.
That implies the ability of a user to not share some data with the organization. Would you expect that to be true in this case?
I see three levels of hierarchy for access;
Concept here is still to silo researchers - even in the same organization - so as to maintain need to know access that is administered by the Org Admin.
As researchers come and go or move on to other roles in the organization, their datasets need to be xferred to new researchers inside that organization.
SO a researcher cannot withhold data from the organization - but not all researchers have access to all of the organization data.
Hope this clarifies.
Yes! I would really like different levels of user levels within my own WIldbook (sand tiger sharks). This way students could have access to process photos, my research assistant could have slightly more options, but could not export the data, but as the project manager I can have full privileges.
@PaulK, I think that makes sense, but doesn’t account for users who are part of multiple organizations that are not be in collaboration with each other. It could work if the expectation is a user has one account per organization they belong to, but that pushes a lot of overhead to an individual user. Hmm. I’m gonna have to noodle on that.
@Carol, that makes sense from within a single organization. Is there anything you want to bring up from the perspective of one org working with another? I know you had concerns about sharing between aquariums at one point.
I do work with other institutions and aquariums, but I could easily give them accounts fro SAS USA that are at the appropriate level/tier. So for me, inter-institution access is not a need at this time.