Sharkbook – AI Detection on Prior Uploads

What Wildbook are you working in?


What is the entire URL out of the browser?

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

I’m checking through older whale shark uploads that were matched with Groth. I want to ensure that MiewID works on these sharks. Many encounters don’t have bounding boxes, though I can add them manually (I’ve done the left-side CR in this encounter). Is there a way to refresh the AI detector, specifically for AP-XXX images for my current project?


Hi @simonjpierce

Just to make sure I understand, you want a way to send all individuals with the “AP-” ID prefix to detection so that they don’t all have to be manually annotated, correct?

Correct! :slight_smile:

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That’s a good question! Tagging @jason for visibility.

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There weren’t too many encounters to do for this, so they should finish going through detection pretty quickly.

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Brilliant, thanks Anastasia (and team!)


Hi Anastasia,

Just bumping this request – I can try annotating manually if there’s limited capacity?


Yes, of course. Thanks for your patience.

Hi @simonjpierce

We ran it (and I spot-checked these individual encounters to verify that they have annotations) and then Jason forgot to give me a heads up when it completed. I’m sorry about that! :sweat_smile:

Let us know if there are other groups of individuals you’d like to us to send to detection for you.