SharkBook bug - cannot remove identity from a particular encounter and delete it

I want to remove the identity from this encounter, and then delete it entirely:

Every time I try it fails - I have logged into my boyfriend’s account and tried on his too but also failed. I have also tried the merge feature, but it wont work. It is almost like this encounter has super-glued itself to the ID GNS-1295!

I have reuploaded the shark photo and correctly assigned it to GNS-1193 so that we can fully delete this encounter. It appears there is a bug with it.

Can you please delete this encounter for me?

To be clear - we do not want this shark appearing in GNS-1295 at all, and want to remove that shark identity.

Hi @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark

I went ahead and deleted the encounter. There was a root issue of a blocking indexing function that was slowing down the ID removal. I have removed that as well, and hopefully you won’t see this again on other sharks. Let me know if you do.

Thank you,

Seems fixed - has not occurred on other deletes so what you did seems to have fixed it

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