Sharkbook Encounter Catalog Number

What Wildbook are you working in? Sharkbook

Can you describe what the issue is you’re experiencing?

I cannot seem to search by Sharkbook Encounter Catalog Number anymore, nor do I see it in the Metadata. All of our internal data has been organized by these catalog numbers, so it will be catastrophic for my data organization if they are no longer being used. How do I find encounters via their catalog number with the new Sharkbook format?

Hi @KenzieP

I’m not sure what catalog number refers to. Do you mean the encounter ID? The old encounter search is still available in Sharkbook. It’s listed as Encounter Search (Classic) in the menu:


The Encounter Catalog Number was the number that is shown to the user after every upload. It appears in the Metadata Section like this:

I have not been able to find a way to search for encounters via this number - it is separate from the occurrence ID, and does not have a field in either the new search tool or the “Encounters (Classic)” search tool. With the old format we could easily find our encounters using this number in the search bar that was always at the top of the page. Is there any way the quick search bar can come back, as it made the application much more user friendly and easy to find encounters?

It may be called the Encounter ID, but when we export any files from the “Export” page, it is the column in the exported spreadsheet labeled “Encounter.catalogNumber” - so that is what we have always called it. I am attaching a screenshot of the spreadsheet I just got from the “Standard Format Export” option under the export tab.

You can see here that is is column A.

We have always used this number in our internal data spreadsheets, as it has always been the first number on the exported spreadsheets.

The new Encounter Search does not have an option to search by this number- it has Occurrence ID, Organization ID, encounter type filters, submitter filters, etc - but not Encounter ID or Encounter Catalog Number.

I have tried using some of our encounter catalog numbers in every search bar available in this new search tool, as well as the “Encounter Search (Classic)” tool, and was never able to get it to pull up our encounters.

Thanks for clarifying!

The good news is that the search bar is returning with the next Wildbook release.

In the meantime, it looks like there isn’t a search filter that currently allows you to search by the encounter ID. One workaround is to add the encounter ID you want to look up at the end of this URL:

This is separate from the occurrence/sighting ID (sighting and occurrence are referred to interchangeably throughout the site). For reference, an occurrence or sighting is a specific time frame where encounters were observed. When you click on a sighting or occurrence ID in Wildbook, there can be multiple encounters associated with that ID. You can search by occurrence ID using the Metadata filer of the Classic Encounter Search.

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