I am reviewing images in the database in readiness for a scientific study and am noticing a lot of encounters that previously had images, and were identified against shark individuals, and are now showing with no image.
Here is an example:
I cannot work out what is happening - nothing in the comments shows that images were removed?
I just submitted a test encounter to make sure that the audit trail captures when an image is deleted by a user and verified that it does
Do you know for certain that this encounter had an image? Images are not required when reporting an encounter.
I met with another Wildbook user recently that mentioned cases where the individual ID is uploaded in the encounter metadata, but they’ve misplaced the image for the encounter and did not upload it. I’m wondering if that’s also what happened here.
I dont think thats the case - as you can even see in the comments that there were images:
seanmbarker on Wed Feb 24 21:27:22 UTC 2016
Submitted new encounter image graphic: MP14MAY13UHR008_thmb.jpg.
Why would that be in the audit trail if there was never an image?
Oh, you’re right! I didn’t scroll through far enough through the audit log on that one. 
I’ll need more time to find out what happened. If you see other examples along the way, feel free to post them here.
Something just occurred to me: I think that logging removed images was only implemented in Wildbooks in 2023 or 2024. Since this encounter was uploaded in 2015, there’s a possibility that someone removed the image before logging was enabled for that action. I’ll follow up if I find any new details.
Hi Anastasia - I have noticed other strange things, like this one here:
If you look at the second results image there is no image again ? “Unable to open: Error loading image”
This doesn’t appear to be related to the original issue. This one was weird because it appears to display a match that’s from a deleted encounter. I re-ran the match on the image to see if it would happen again, but I don’t see the bug appear in the fresh results: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks
This appears to be the most likely explanation. I’m marking this resolved, but let me know if you find other examples you want looked into.