Sharkbook - error saving spot maps, errors in bulk uploads, and very slow to do MiewID

In the Sharkbook it is currently running super slow.

ISSUE 1: Bulk Uploads:

I have tried several times today to do bulk uploads but it fails each time with the error message "I found a filename parameter in the URL, but I couldn’t find the file itself at the path your specified: /data/upload/Sarah Handebeaux/sharkbook.xlsx. We found file = /data/upload/Sarah Handebeaux/sharkbook.xlsx

File.getAbsoluteFile = /data/upload/Sarah Handebeaux/sharkbook.xlsx"

ISSUE 2: Spot Maps:

When adding spot maps to the sharks it says “error saving”

ISSUE 3: MiewID Match Results

When adding annotations for the MiewID algorithm, and then doing the “start match” it is taking 30mins plus with no results appearing. This seems exceptionally slower than normal? After 45mins one match result simply said “error initiating IA job” - Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks

ISSUE 4: Not able to delete encounters

When trying to delete some clone encounters that are meaningless the system prevents and gives me a HTTP 500 error, or just hangs and times out - try deleting this encounter as a test: Sharkbook: Wildbook for Sharks

Hi @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark

Can you email your spreadsheets to

In the meantime, I’m going to check if there’ s a disk space issue.

We freed up disk space in Sharkbook. You should be able to see things function normally again.

The server will be upgraded soon when we bring the Wildbook 10.4.0 update to Sharkbook and we won’t experience as many disk space issues.