Sharkbook - new look and feel - where is the total displayed?

In the new look and feel of sharkbook (I am still testing it out but it looks nicer), when you run a search you no longer see the total.

I know for example that I have approximately 2700 photos to identify for Carcharias taurus that do not already have an identity and are not already labelled as unidentifiable.

However, in the new search results I cannot see the total encounters to review - I can only see 1 page at a time.

Can you please add the total tally back in?

Thank you!

Furthermore, I am wondering if the search results are even producing all the encounters it should be. As I say, if you apply the following filters in sharkbook, you should see just under 2700 results. But it is showing only 10?

To replicate, do this: Sharkbook > Search Encounters
Apply filter “Observation Genus and Species” as [Carcharias taurus]
Apply filter “Identity” > Include only encounters with no assigned Individual ID filter is set"
Apply filter “Metatags” > Include Encounter State is any of [unapproved]

This is related to the Encounter Search indexing issue I mentioned before. When all of the site’s data is properly indexed, you’ll see search results faster and you’ll see the total number of results in a search at the bottom of the page.

Hi @Sarah_Aus_SpotaShark

While we wait for the new search engine to build a cache of all of the existing data in Sharkbook (a lot), I have reopened the old search engine temporarily to unblock users while the new cache is built. You can continue to use the system normally while we build the new cache.

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Marking this as resolved. Additionally, the link to legacy search will be visible on the react homepage in a future update to save you a few clicks.